The necessary measures to encourage the practice of sports in implementation of the text of Article (84) of the Egyptian Constitution 2014

Document Type : Research and Scientific Articles


1 Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, El Haram, Helwan University

2 University Requirements Unit - Misr University for Science and Technology


Everyone has the right to practice sports. State and society institutions must discover, care for, and encourage talented athletes. The law regulates the sports' affairs and civil sports organization, accordance with international standards, and how to settle sports disputes
Therefore, the state recognizes that the competitive kind of sports is not the only and optimal form of that activity, there are sports for all, school sports, sports for the disabled, professional sports, recreational sports, corporate sports, and university sports
The problem of the research has been since January 2014 AD and after the Egyptian people agreed to the constitution and it came to light and after what was stated in Article 84 of the constitution, we find that the government agencies, responsible for sports, are not interested in applying this constitutional text, which is supposed to determine the necessary measures to encourage sports practice, therefore the researcher claimed that we are in need to determine the necessary measures to encourage exercise
Research objective:
Determine the necessary measures to encourage exercise

Main Subjects