The Goalkeeper on The Productivity Of 7-Meter Throws in HandballThe Impact Of The Motor Expectation Components Of

Document Type : Research and Scientific Articles


Faculty of sport eduction abu Qir


The research aims to investigate the effect of the components of the motor expectation of the goalkeeper on the productivity of 7-meter throws in handball.

The researchers hypothesized that there is a statistically significant relationship between the kinetic expectation of the goalkeeper and the productivity of 7-meter throws , They also assumed that there were statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements in the productivity of 7-meter throws, after applying the proposed program for training on the motor expectation components

For A sample of handball guards in clubs (Smouha - Olympic - National Bank .(

The researchers also used the descriptive survey method in analyzing the 7-meter throw and the one-group experimental method using the pre and post measurements in applying the motor prediction program to goalkeepers. The basic research sample consisted of (6) goalkeepers, while the sample of the exploratory study consisted of (8) goalkeepers.

The researchers also designed a measure of motor expectation, and the scientific transactions for the scale were conducted using a sample of (6) goalkeepers. Also, the researchers designed a skill test to measure the motor expectation of goalkeepers. Scientific transactions were conducted for the test of validity, stability and objectivity, using a sample of (4) goalkeepers.

The researchers used the appropriate statistical treatments, and the research data was analyzed using the statistical program (Spss). By presenting and discussing the results, the researchers concluded that the productivity of the 7-meter throw depends on the kinetic expectation of the goalkeeper.


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